( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't%20It%20Romantic%' LIMIT 1000' at line 5 in /home/admin/domains/_includes/db_connection.php on line 929
( ! ) mysqli_sql_exception: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 't%20It%20Romantic%' LIMIT 1000' at line 5 in /home/admin/domains/_includes/db_connection.php on line 929
Call Stack
10.0002363840{main}( ).../hb_default.php:0
20.0006369248showSearchResults( $str = 'O.P.I.%20-%20Nail%20Lacquer%20-%20Isn\'t%20It%20Romantic', $str2 = ??? ).../hb_default.php:284
30.0018412936dbConnection->query( $str = 'SELECT c.Name,c.Description,c.CatalogItemID,m.Name as Brand,p.MfgPartNo,p.ListPrice,p.Weight,p.Image2\r\n\tFROM CatalogItem c\r\n\tINNER JOIN ProductItem p ON c.CatalogItemID=p.ProductItemID\r\n\tLEFT JOIN Manufacturer m ON m.ManufacturerID = p.ManufacturerID\r\n\tWHERE p.Image2 IS NOT NULL AND p.Image2 != \'\' AND c.Name LIKE \'%O.P.I.%20-%20Nail%20Lacquer%20-%20Isn\'t%20It%20Romantic%\' LIMIT 1000' ).../search.php:39
40.0019412936query( $query = 'SELECT c.Name,c.Description,c.CatalogItemID,m.Name as Brand,p.MfgPartNo,p.ListPrice,p.Weight,p.Image2\r\n\tFROM CatalogItem c\r\n\tINNER JOIN ProductItem p ON c.CatalogItemID=p.ProductItemID\r\n\tLEFT JOIN Manufacturer m ON m.ManufacturerID = p.ManufacturerID\r\n\tWHERE p.Image2 IS NOT NULL AND p.Image2 != \'\' AND c.Name LIKE \'%O.P.I.%20-%20Nail%20Lacquer%20-%20Isn\'t%20It%20Romantic%\' LIMIT 1000' ).../db_connection.php:929